It is not what happens to us that counts; it is how we respond. Unknown
Blessed is the man who has a skin of the right thickness. He can work happily in spite of enemies and friends. Henry Bailey
Sometimes it is only a change of view point that is needed to convert a seemingly tiresome duty into an interesting opportunity. Alberta Flanders
To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it. Confucius
To make the world a friendly place, one must show it a friendly face. James Whitcom Riley
No life is so hard that you can’t make it easier by the way you take it. Ellen Glasgow
我知道怎樣處卑賤,也知道怎樣處豐富,或飽足或飢餓,或有餘,或缺乏,隨事隨在,我都得了祕訣。 腓4:12
我被你們論斷,或被別人論斷,我都以為極小的事,連我自己也不論斷自己。 林前4:3
被人咒罵,我們就祝福。被人逼迫,我們就忍受。被人毀謗,我們就善勸。 林前4:12-13
你的仇敵若餓了,就給他吃,若渴了,就給他喝。…你不可為惡所勝,反要以善勝惡。 羅12:20
要愛你們的仇敵,為那逼迫你們的禱告。因為祂叫日頭照好人,也照歹人,降雨給義人,也給不義的人。 太5:44-45
有火煉的試驗臨到你們,不要以為奇怪(似乎是遭遇非常的事),倒要歡喜。 彼前4:12-13a
我們四面受敵,卻不被困住。心裡作難,卻不至失望。遭逼迫,卻不被丟棄。打倒了,卻不至死亡。身上常帶著耶穌的死,使耶穌的生也顯明在我們身上。 林後4:8-10